
5 routes to get to know the Pómac Forest Historical Sanctuary!

Learn about all the activities you can do in this incredible destination in Lambayeque.


The Pómac Forest Historical Sanctuary (SHBP), formerly the territory of the Sicán culture, has an area of ​​5887.38 hectares and an endless number of activities that you can do here. Located in the province of Ferreñafe, in Lambayeque, this is an ancient setting, whose development was between 900 and 1100 AD. C., in which the pyramids discovered here are presumed to have been created.


Such is the importance of this destination that it has been recognized with the IBA distinctions of Important Area for Bird Conservation, Green Destinations 2022, and Allied for Conservation. You can visit the SHBP at any time of the year, but we recommend you keep an eye on their Facebook for any additional details.

Now, get ready to discover the renewed circuits that this destination has for you.

The SHBP has 36 pyramids discovered to date.

1. Children's Forest Playful Interpretation Area

The Pómac Forest is a destination for the whole family, and we can see it with this route. It is a new tourist experience through which it seeks to communicate and raise awareness about the heritage values ​​of the Protected Natural Area (ANP), through activities that highlight fantastic characters that are inspired by Sicán iconography and objects, associated with the various elements of the place.

In addition, this route also has the recently implemented Digital Web Platform , which has different 3D multimedia materials where you can explore and tour the SHBP in advance.

Why do we recommend this visit to the youngest members of the family? In addition to showing how fantastic this destination is, the Recreational Interpretation Area also contributes to strengthening the teaching processes and values ​​about the Pómac Forest. Children have the opportunity to learn by playing before and during their visit to this ANP with Playful Interpretation Activities, Environmental Education in our Biogarden, Digital Platform with Virtual Tourist Tours, Observation and Exhibition of Flora and Fauna and Ancestral Workshops.

2. Bici Tour & Sunset Picnic

Explore the Pómac Forest on a mountain bike? Yes, there are 17 kilometers properly signposted for all adventurers and lovers of this sport. What's more, it is a different way of getting to know this ANP, because it corresponds to a sustainable, safe and differentiated tourist experience that brings you closer to nature and local fauna. This is the opportunity to enjoy the cultural landscape of the Pómac Forest and the Sicán Archaeological Complex.

Ending the day and to regain energy, you can have a picnic in the permitted areas to see the beautiful sunset and appreciate the colors that form at the top of the pyramids.

Remember that to protect this place, it is necessary that you hire authorized services. This way you can also enjoy everything that this trip implies.

Additionally, you will have the following equipment:

-Specialized Rockhopper 29 bicycles with reinforced tires with protective foam insert.

-Eco-friendly folding and portable equipment/implements.

Take a break and enjoy some local snacks before continuing your route.

3. Adventure and nature

This route begins at the Huaca de Piedra Ecolodge, located 10 minutes from the Íllimo Control and Surveillance Post. Here you can rest under the shade of the carob trees, typical of the Equatorial Dry Forest, while you observe the majestic birds that circulate through the sacred territory.

In this place you have the option of spending the night to depart, at dawn, towards the Old River Route, where you can observe several of the endemic species that reside here. On this tour you will have the necessary equipment to enjoy the experience, such as binoculars or a telescope. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy a mountain bike tour to attractions such as the La Leche River, Huaca La Merced and the Las Salinas viewpoint.

See the beauty of the SHBP from another perspective.

4. Augmented reality and night tours

Did you know that you can also tour the SHBP at night? Imagine the immensity of the clear sky in this destination, the stars and the sound of the species that live here. In addition to traveling through the forest at night, you can camp in the indicated areas to have an experience supported by archaeoastronomy; You will have access to special equipment to contemplate the celestial bodies and the circle of the Sicán worldview in its maximum splendor.

Additionally, you have the opportunity to live the immersive experience of augmented reality, a pioneering proposal in this natural area. This way you will be able to interact with a variety of characters in holograms, who will introduce you to the legacy and history of the ancient Sicán culture, in the period of its greatest splendor.

5. Beekeeping and crafts

On this tour you can visit local businesses in the buffer zones, with Muchik influence, and that reflect the culture and nature of the Pómac Forest. It is a way of knowing the traditions that were practiced in the past, from artistic and agricultural customs, and that different Peruvians revalue them as a tribute to this ancient heritage.

On the one hand there is beekeeping, from the raising and care of bees, as well as the products derived from honey; There are also the crafts, products of native cotton that are produced with ancestral techniques. In addition, it is also possible to enjoy typical local dishes, according to the season.

Additional considerations 

Please note that entry is free to the SHBP during the Sanctuary Recovery Anniversary, January 20; its anniversary, June 1; on World Tourism Day, September 27; as well as the first Sunday of each month, except for Sundays considered long holidays, as well as Easter, National Holidays and New Year's Day. Be careful, these dates are valid for national tourists.

Additionally, you can visit it at any time of the year, under the following rates:









S/ 30

S/ 11

S/ 5

S/ 5

S/ 3

The Pómac Forest Historical Sanctuary awaits you with activities for the whole family, book your flight to Lambayeque and prepare your next adventure.

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